- Washroom facilities in the sector
- Drinking water points near the site
- Accessible by car
- On site Parking
- Fireplace
- Picnic table on the site
- Offers more privacy
- Somewhat in the open or exposed to the sun (1/2 day)
- Domestic animals are prohibited on the site
Eligible Equipment
- Small, medium and large tent
- Tent trailer under 9 meters (30 feet)
- Trailer under 12 meters (40 feet)
- Recreation vehicle under 12 meters (40 feet)
- Can accept a kitchen shelter
- Extension and awning may be added
- We cannot guarantee that there will be space for setting up a second tent
- Lot length: 12,5 meters (41 feet)
- Lot width: 7 meters (23 feet)
- Lot length including parking space: 23,5 meters (77 feet)
Tourist accommodation
- Registration number : 199883