Pointe-Taillon and Camp-de-Touage sectors are a 50 minutes drive from one antoher.
Castor sector :Some campsites will therefore not be available for the start of bookings for season 2024. They will be offered for reservations later in 2024, depending on lake levels (land evaluation to follow).
Rustic campsite
April 25 to November 1, 2025
Starting at $30.85/night
Pit toilets nearby
Non-drinking water near the site
Inaccessible by vehicle
Accessible only on foot or by bicycle 2 Km
Accessible by water : 2 km
Fireplace to the left of the site
Picnic table on the site
Offers more privacy
View of a lake or river
Somewhat in the open or exposed to the sun (1/2 day)