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4 impactful projects that make our employees proud

Sometimes it only takes small gestures to make a big difference. In the national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and other Sépaq establishments, the original initiatives of the teams in place are only the beginning, with many more programs to highlight. From small gestures to protect and enhance nature to high-impact projects that make employees proud and visitors happy, here is an overview of four inspiring actions that stand out.

Parc national du Mont-Tremblant Parc national du Mont-Tremblant
Parc national du Mont-Tremblant | © Sépaq

1. Driving while protecting the environment

At Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, the largest in the Sépaq network, it is difficult to do without a motorized vehicle. “Unfortunately, the pick-up is our work tool...” sighs Patrick Vanier, head of the maintenance and infrastructure department. To cover the whole of its territory, the park therefore relies on the use of around sixty light vehicles, including cars and vans.

So when Sépaq decided to reduce its carbon footprint, particular attention was paid to the use of the vehicle fleet, an important element in the green shift equation. “We wanted to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG), but how?” asks Patrick Vanier.

A pilot project was set up to assess the impact of vehicles using vehicle telemetry. The sensors monitored speed, use of the traction mode, waiting time with the engine idling, and the number of trips. For almost a year in 2021, some 30 vehicles were studied in their daily use at Réserve faunique des Laurentides, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, and Station touristique Duchesnay.

The conclusion? While the addition of greener vehicles—thanks in particular to electrification—continues in the network, it is possible to immediately reduce GHG emissions simply by changing driving and travel habits. To achieve this, since the summer of 2022, eco-driving training has been offered to the approximately 125 employees at Mont-Tremblant.

Better controlled braking and acceleration, reduced use of four-wheel drive, limited idling, and elimination of non-essential trips are practices that are encouraged among workers. And these are habits that visitors would also do well to imitate.

Today, just over a third of the vehicles in operation in the park are still equipped with telemetry instruments. “It's not for monitoring, but rather to offer drivers a reminder,” explains Patrick Vanier. An audible signal sounds under certain conditions, such as when the vehicle is going too fast or when braking is too sudden.

The data collected for the 24 vehicles in Mont-Tremblant is then used to measure general trends and to provide feedback on good driving practices to all employees of the national park.

And these figures also serve as the basis of reflections on the actual use made of cars and trucks at work. As a result, carpooling during working hours is being promoted more than ever. “We’ve reduced individual travel and adjusted patrol routes,” reports Patrick. For example, fuel consumption is reduced by more than 15% when 4x4s are avoided. And in total, Patrick Vanier points out that eco-driving has led to a 14% reduction in fuel consumption for the given period.

It just goes to show that acting in a greener and more ecological way can also be economical.

Mathieu Dupuis | © Sépaq
Mikaël Rondeau | © Sépaq

2. Guide to good practices for satisfied anglers

It's not just about fishing. To ensure the sustainability of the activity, we must do what’s necessary to protect waterways and fish populations. To achieve this, Sépaq has launched a campaign for its customers on good practices for anglers.

This means that anglers are directly involved in the sustainable management of the resource that makes it possible for them to pursue their favourite activity. Through simple actions, anglers protect both wildlife resources and the quality of their habitats.

“We’re lucky not to have invasive species,” remarks Pascal Alarie, deputy director of the Réserve faunique des Laurentides. But he knows it is a constant battle and that efforts must be maintained. Harmful plants and crustaceans will not hesitate to take hold if given the opportunity. They’ll disrupt the fragile balance of the ecosystem.

Pascal Alarie and his team therefore ensure the protection of the 500 or so lakes operated in the reserve, out of the 2,000 that fall within its territory. The staff are trained and made aware of the threats to the lakes and the fish populations found there. But to win the battle, they must also be able to count on the cooperation of visiting anglers.

To minimize the risk of introducing invasive aquatic species into the waterways, “we had to restrict the use of personal watercraft,” Pascal explains. Rowboats and motors are therefore available on site. Once they’ve appeared, invasive aquatic species have a significant impact on ecosystems and are very often impossible to eradicate.

When permitted in the Sépaq network, watercraft from outside the network may only be used after proper cleaning. In Réserve faunique des Laurentides, this only happens on six weekends during the fishing season, under specific conditions. Awareness-raising actions involving the MELCCFP in particular have been initiated in the wildlife sanctuary over the past year.

To protect the resource, we also need to know how to preserve stocks. Pascal Alarie highlights the reduction in certain catch limits, such as that of the brook trout, which was reduced from 15 to 10 catches as of 2024. For Réserve faunique des Laurentides, this represents 36,000 catches avoided out of a total of around 300,000, taking all species into account.

This restriction to ensure the quality of catches does not seem to annoy anglers; quite the contrary. “For the vast majority of people, it's a good thing. They really come for the experience rather than the quota,” insists the deputy director.

Catch limits must be respected by anglers to ensure the sustainability of fishing, hence the importance of declaring catches. “An obligation”, insists Pascal Alarie, emphasizing that the collaboration of fishing enthusiasts is not lacking. “Often, they exceed the limit strictly out of ignorance.”

Another important impact of anglers occurs when they release their catch back into the water – or, in fact, when they don't release it. Following the rules and recommendations provided on site, depending on the species and the type of fishing practiced, is therefore crucial. “Because around 35% of the fish released back into the water will die,” Pascal points out, citing the example of the brook trout. Often injured and stressed by having been caught, these fish do not recover and they die after being released: ghost catches that will not be counted either.

Proud to always be able to offer enthusiasts plenty of 100% native trout, Pascal Alarie believes he has the right tools to maintain this figure. “As a deputy director, I have all the right tools in place,” he summarizes, adding that he can also count on the support of wildlife technicians and researchers to help him in his mission. “We rely heavily on scientists.” Their observations give rise to recommendations that will then be adopted by anglers and will improve fishing results for seasons and generations to come.

William Renaud | © Sépaq
Émile David | © Sépaq

3. Offering a starry sky to visitors at Parc national du Mont‑Tremblant

At Parc national du Mont-Tremblant, you’re literally offered the stars! In 2023, the vast natural territory obtained International Dark Sky Park certification: a first for a park in Québec, and only the third in all of Canada!

The park management staff also wanted to offer the population a legacy to mark the 125th anniversary of the national park in 2020, and the prestigious certification awarded by the Dark Sky organization highlights the quality of the night sky in Québec's oldest national park.

“Preserving the stars is a very engaging project,” summarizes Hugues Tennier, the park’s conservation and education officer. Because achieving this recognition required concerted effort. “It takes regional leadership,” he notes. In order to meet the required conditions and protect the park's sky, it was also necessary to convince surrounding municipalities, such as Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, to get on board.

The team offered support to the localities to make them aware of the benefits of acting together for the quality of the night sky. The project has gained momentum and resonated with a growing number of elected officials, enough for them to put in the effort and public funds. Increasing numbers of initiatives have since been launched in the region, enthuses Hugues Tennier: “There's a sense of pride associated with that!”

Given the expertise of Parc national du Mont-Mégantic, which has the title of International Dark Sky Reserve—a Dark Sky certification awarded to a larger regional territory—Mont-Tremblant was able to draw inspiration from the work done previously in establishing its sky protection plan. The certification body's target is to enable the Milky Way to be seen and to minimize the dome of light pollution to just a small patch on the horizon.

To achieve its aims, the team at Parc national du Mont-Tremblant first had to review all the outdoor lighting. The number of lights, their power, the colour and the guidelines for their beams... nothing was left to chance. Photometers are also in place in the territory to continuously measure the brightness of the night sky.

New regulations have also been introduced for campers. Festive and decorative lighting and projectors are now prohibited. However, visitors gain greatly in return with new facilities for observing the sky, namely a dozen “Places of the Stars.” These places, designed to offer ideal conditions for astronomical observation and stargazing, have become genuine attractions. Starry sky tourism really does exist!

Discovery activities have also been added to the program, to provide guidance and support for visitors and encourage them to look up at the vast sky on offer. “Connecting with the sky. Looking up to gaze at the stars, I find there’s something very philosophical and even spiritual about it,” notes Hugues Tennier. The certification thus has benefits that go far beyond the prestige of this international recognition.

Visitors and employees alike appreciate this more delicate nocturnal atmosphere. “Something beautiful is happening,” explains Hugues Tennier. “Little happenings. You can't really measure it, but I think people are now looking at the sky more.”

Good for the soul, but also for human health, the reduction of light pollution also has the advantage of maintaining the day-night cycle, which is beneficial for ecosystems and the species that live in them.

Ahmadreza Moezzi | © Sépaq
Mikaël Rondeau | © Sépaq

4. Cleaning up the banks and seabed of Anticosti Island

To help nature, sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort. When Bruno Burelle learned that the shoreline cleanup team from the St. Lawrence Expedition project was heading east last August and that a small group of the fifteen or so volunteers were planning to make a crossing to Anticosti, he made sure to do everything possible to welcome them.

The deputy director of Sépaq Anticosti and Parc national Anticosti stepped in to receive the seven volunteers linked to Aquarium du Québec and to lend them a hand. After 11 days of chores carried out between Montréal and Havre-Saint-Pierre as part of Mission 1000 tonnes, the team of divers collaborating on the project wanted to do more.

“We came with our sleeves rolled up and ours muscles flexed. We couldn't just show up and be heroes,” recalls Florence Robertson, an assistant diving officer at Aquarium du Québec, who was part of the team that went to the island. ”The residents also contributed greatly. It was important for them,” adds Bruno Burelle, referring to the volunteers who came together with the team to clean up some of the shorelines near Port-Meunier. A dozen or so Sépaq employees also contributed to the effort, proud to take action.

In the end, three tons of rubbish were removed from the banks and seabed in just three days of hard work. “I can't say we were surprised by the quantity of what we found,” remarks Florence Robertson. Because despite its wild and isolated character, the largest island in the province finds itself at the mercy of the currents, tides, and winds that carry waste from all over into the St. Lawrence.

“We're not saying that Anticosti is a garbage dump, far from it,” the diver insists, “The local people are aware of the problem.” In reality, much of the island's pollution originates hundreds of kilometres away. “We find McDonald's straws, and yet there are no McDonald's on Anticosti,” explains Bruno Burelle.

Florence Robertson notes in particular the large quantity of fishing gear discovered, most likely inadvertently dropped from boats. Lobster traps, all kinds of rope, nets... “It's always striking to see the old, degraded equipment that we find.”

Despite the challenges of an underwater operation in an isolated place like Anticosti, the Aquarium du Québec team took advantage of being on the scene to dive twice in the waters of Port-Meunier harbour. “There was a lot of underwater life,” enthuses Florence, who has been diving for about ten years. But a number of artefacts from another era were also recovered: steel cables, various fragments of old crockery, pieces of assorted industrial equipment... “I think people were quite surprised by what we found.”

For Bruno Burelle, this clean-up operation was the perfect opportunity to better understand the pollution issues on his island. “I wanted to understand. To do it for the right reasons,” emphasizes Bruno, more aware than ever that the fight must continue, as waste easily travels to the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Inspired by this short mission, he’s already thinking about what to do next.

“The foundations have been set for a regular chore initiative,” notes the deputy director, who observes that such an undertaking makes a big difference and above all requires goodwill. He’s already thinking of involving the municipality and other local stakeholders. “Mission 1000 tonnes showed us how to do it; we just have to persevere. We're going to steal the idea!” concludes Bruno Burelle.

Jeanne Rondeau-Ducharme | © Sépaq
Yanick Lesperance/Expédition Saint-Laurent | © Sépaq

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