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With over 4,000 lakes, there is water aplenty in Réserve faunique La Vérendrye. This resource includes Grand lac Victoria and two huge reservoirs, Dozois and Cabonga, which are fed by rivers whose names evoke the local native cultures: Chochocouane, Capitachouane, des Outaouais, and Gens de Terre. This is a paradise for canoe-campers and anglers, one that straddles the Outaouais and Abitibi-Témiscamingue regions. Keep your eyes peeled when you're on the great reservoirs! The landscape can change without notice, with floating islands altering the panorama. The fussiest vacationer will appreciate the soft life at Le Domaine. Campers too are pampered, since La Vérendrye has over a thousand campsites. Every autumn, hunting brings back the heirs of this proud tradition to territories abounding in game.
Consult the new regulations concerning outdoor fires
Over 800 lakes are accessible for fishing. They have walleye, lake trout, northern pike, speckled trout, smallmouth bass, and sturgeon. Some lakes are accessible only by ATV or 4X4.
List of ATV-accessible sectors
Catch and possession limits:
Period: see the Fishing Package with Accomodations and Fishing Package with Accomodations (Personal Boat)
Elsewhere at SépaqWith more than 800 km of developed trails, Réserve faunique La Vérendrye has the largest canoe-camping offer in Québec! Nearly 20 lakefront circuits, punctuated by 500 overnight campsites, are available for a major expedition in this stunningly beautiful natural setting. Find out more
To reduce the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species on its waterways, Réserve faunique La Vérendrye is offering five cleaning stations for personal watercraft. Details and location of washing stations
Since 2011, a walleye management plan has been implemented in Québec by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs to ensure the preservation of the species. In Réserve faunique La Vérendrye, this measure will apply to all bodies of water. Find out more
Activities for your youngsters, accommodations, and services - discover what this family destination has in store for your vacation! See our detailed fact sheet.
In the mood for a few more days of fishing? Plan next summer’s fishing trip with cabin accommodations and get 15% off the third and subsequent nights. Details and conditions
The borders of the wildlife reserve's moose hunting sectors and white-tailed deer hunting sectors can now be seen on a downloadable KML file. Click here
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